My grandfather was lying in bed, getting weaker and weaker by the second. Old age had finally caught up with him and was slowly sneaking up his body. He was comfortable and at home, it was now just a matter of time. Melba, the woman that takes care of him was in his room doing some things and noticed that he was staring at the ceiling. He had a blank look on his face and seemed to be staring through the ceiling at something. His eyes were focused and intense.
Let me back up a little bit before I get too far into this story. Let’s head back 62 years, back when my grandfather was a spry 29-30 year old. He was getting his haircut in a barbershop when a young girl walked by the window. The barber stopped cutting his hair and then said, “There goes the prettiest woman in the city.” My grandfather sat in silence, but I would have expected at least a small grin appeared on his face as he knew exactly who the “pretty woman” was. It was Rosa Lee, the great love of his life, his fiancée. They had met on a blind date that my grandfather didn’t want to go on, but did for the sake of his friend.
For the next 63 years, my grandfather and grandmother would live together. The only time they were apart was when he was serving his country in World War II. They shared a bond that we can only dream to have with someone. They had 3 children together and then experienced 12 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
In 2005, his wife passed away. She had been declining in health for years and her mind had also been lost at times. There were times where she would ask him, “Who are you?” He would reply, “I am your husband Rosa Lee.” She would then say that he was mistaken and to please leave her room. I am sure it pained him to not be recognized by his beautiful bride of so many years, but he didn’t let on that it did. He made sure that she got to spend her last few years with him at home and took the best care of her that you can expect. After she passed he went on living. Looking forward to seeing his family and writing his autobiography.
“What are you looking at Mr. John?” Melba asked. No response.
“Do you see Jesus, Mr. John?” No response.
He continued to stare at the ceiling with his eyes focused on something. After a few moments she asked,
“Do you see Mrs. Rosa Lee?”
Immediately after he heard those words, the biggest smile appeared on his face and he didn’t stop smiling the whole time he was staring ahead. His bride of 63 years recognized him again. Now she was welcoming him home. They would be together again.
He passed away that day.
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