Sunday, February 15, 2009

My man crush

I am coming clean. It is time. I have a man crush on Pete Wilson.

Many of my friends have been aware of this ever since I started attending Cross Point Community Church several months ago and are probably planning an intervention soon, but I can’t help it.

Yes, he has great hair, dresses really well, loves LOST, has a beautiful wife and 3 of the cutest kids around, (he’s also taller than Keith Urban) but the real reason I have this man crush is that he is real.

We just finished a series at Cross Point called “Paralyzed: Frozen By Fear” and it was life changing for many.

Pete went first and shared his struggles and fears in his life. Something I have never seen a pastor do. He is not the pastor of the church that is on a pedestal. He is human. He is not a “preacher,” he is a friend. Because he went first, many were able to go second.

A man went home after learning about the fear of insignificance and burned $6,000 worth of pot, hundreds of people surrendered their fears by writing them on a card and placing them before the cross, and for me personally it has challenged me daily.

What is my fear? What is my wound?

I was taught to never say your fears aloud because the devil will hear it and attack you with it. So, I never did. Now if find myself not only writing my fear on a card and placing it at the foot of a cross, but also publishing it on the internet for the world to see.

I fear never sharing my life with someone else. Singleness.

I fear having my heart broken again.

I fear missing my purpose in life.

What I have learned through this series is that we are not wired for fear. We are wired for faith. I believe that God sent His Son to die on the cross for my sins and rose 3 days later. I believe by accepting that sacrifice into my heart, I will spend eternity in heaven with God.

So why do many of us trust God with our eternity, but not tomorrow?

Why am I so concerned about my fears? The answer is simple. I believe I control it. It seems logical to me that I would be responsible for my purpose in life and finding the woman of my dreams.

My fear problem is a faith problem.

One of the most common phrases in the Bible is “do not fear” and most of the time it is followed up with “for I am with you.” (ex. Isaiah 41:10)

So now that I know what my fear is and that my fear is a faith problem, what do I do about it?

Matthew 6:25-34.

Romans 12:2.

Unless I surrender my fears to God, I will continue to fear it.

It’s time for a transfer. Western Union style.

From: Me
To: God
Subject: My fears.
Price: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33

So there it is. For all to see. Except they are no longer my fears, they are now my surrendered fears. It might take a daily transfer for years, but those fears will no longer establish the limits of my life. No longer will they keep me average.

I was wired for faith, not fear. No longer will I be paralyzed.

I encourage anyone who is struggling with any kind of fear to go to and check out the series. This entry came from my notes during the series.

I am crossing my fingers that the next series is not about “The dangers of a man crush”.

That would be tragic.


  1. I'm flattered. :)

    Wes, I can't tell you how excited I am about what God is doing in your life. Keep surrendering. I'm proud of you.

  2. Wes, love your honesty. In just the short time you've been at Cross Point I have admired your heart for God, your commitment to this church and your willingness to dive in and serve. I'm so glad you are a part of this community!

  3. Love this post! I have visited Cross Point for the past 2 Sundays, the last of the Paralyzed series and loved it! It's so relevant to my life right now, as well as many others around me, and I have been truly moved by the message. Look forward to attending the services in the future, as I think this is where God wants me to be! Your man crush is understandable considering the man that he seems to be...a true man of God.

  4. Man, that can preach!!! Enjoyed that post very much!
    The man crush....not so much! HAHAHAHA

  5. wes, thanks for going first. I really look forward to getting to know you more!

  6. I didn't know Pete was into Lost. Now if I learn he's into mountain biking, I might end up developing a crush too!

  7. beautifully said, wes!

    love that you're secure enough in your manhood to admit to a man crush! ;)

    look forward to meeting you in person.
